Jam Lan Kalender

Kamis, 19 Juni 2014


Decision Systems Category Archives: Decision Making Task Assignment System Decision Making System Create System Application jan2 DSS information system that is used to provide information for users in an organization can be differentiated according to the different levels of support for the management and functional areas (departments). One type of system applications are very popular among corporate management is abbreviated Decision Support System or DSS. 1. INTRODUCTION Information systems are used to provide information for users in an organization can be differentiated according to the different levels of support for the management and functional areas (departments). One type of system applications are very popular among corporate management is abbreviated Decision Support System or DSS. DSS (Decision Support System) is a type of information system are classified according to the level of management support. DSS is an information system that is expected to assist management in the decision making process. It needs to be emphasized here is that the presence of DSS is not to replace the task manager, but to be a means of support (tools) for them. So its function is to assist decision-making by providing information, models, or tools for analyzing the information. This system supports semi-structured and unstructured decisions. DSS (Decision Support System) or so-called Decision Systems (DSS), was originally to have defini: a system that provides the means for managers to develop the information in accordance with the decisions that will be made. The aim is to support the decisions that are relatively unstructured (unstructured). In order to successfully achieve its goal, the system must: (1) simple, (2) robustness, (3) easy to control, (4) highly adaptable, (5) complete the important things, (6) is easy to communicate with. Implicitly also means that the system must be based computers and is used in addition to problem-solving ability of a person. Another definition of DSS is (1) an additional system, (2) able to support ad hoc data analysis and decision modeling, (3) future-oriented planning and (4) used in irregular intervals or not unplanned. Meanwhile, According to Keen and Scott Morton, Decision Support System is the combination of intelligence sources with the ability of individual components to improve the quality of computer-based decision-making management decisions for handling semi-structured problems. Sprague and Carlson define DSS pretty well, as the system has five main characteristics (Sprague et al, 1993): 1) computer-based systems; 2) Used to help decision-makers; 3) In order to solve the complex problems that "impossible" is done with manual calculations; 4) By way of an interactive simulation; 5) Where the analysis of the data and the model as a main component. Characteristics 4 and 5 are the new facilities offered by DSS recent progress in accordance with the latest developments of computer equipment. From some of the above can be explained that the Decision Support System (DSS) is not a decision-making tool, but rather a system that helps make decisions by equipping them with information from the data that has been processed with the relevant and necessary to make a decision about a problem more quickly and accurate. So the system is not intended to replace the decision-making process. 2. DSS (Decision Support System) 2.1. Architecture (component / subsystem) Broadly speaking, the DSS was built by three major components: 1) Database database contains a collection of all the company's business data, whether from daily transactions, as well as basic data (master files). For the purposes of the DSS, the necessary data relevant to the problem to be solved through simulation and regulated by the software called Database Management System (DBMS) 2) Base Model Base Model or a model that represents the problem into a quantitative format (eg, mathematical models) as basic simulation or decision-making, including the purpose of the problem (objective), related components, there are limitations (constraints), and other related matters. 3) Communication (dialogue subsystem / user interface) Another uniqueness of DSS is the facility that is capable of integrating systems installed by the user interactively, known as dialogue subsystem. Through dialogue subsystem, the system is implemented so that the user / users can communicate and give orders to the DSS through this subsystem is made by providing interfaces. Facilities owned by the subsystem dialog is divided into three components: 1. Language action (action language), which is a software that can be used by the user to communicate with the system, which is done through a variety of media options such as keyboards, joysticks and other keyfunction. 2. Language display (display and presentation language), which is a device that serves as a means to show something. Equipment used for realizing this view include printers, graphics monitors, plotters, and others. 3. Basis knowledge of (knowladge base), which is an indispensable part unknown to the user so that the system is designed to function interactively. 4) Knowledge Management Subsystem The optional support other subsystems or act as a stand-alone component. Below is a conceptual model Decision Support System (DSS): 2.2 Characteristics According to Sprague and Carlson, DSS has five main characteristics (Sprague et al, 1993), namely: 1) computer-based systems; 2) Used to help decision-makers; 3) In order to solve the complex problems that "impossible" is done with manual calculations; 4) By way of an interactive simulation; 5) Where the analysis of the data and the model as a main component. Characteristics 4 and 5 are the new facilities offered by DSS recent progress in accordance with the latest developments of computer equipment. From the definition of the Decision Support System can be determined characteristics, among others: 1. Supporting the decision-making process, focused on management by perception 2. Existence of interfaces human / machine in which a human (user) retain control of the decision-making process 3. Supports the decision to discuss problem of structured, semi-structured and structure 4. Having a dialogue capacity to obtain information in accordance with the needs of 5. Having subsystems - subsystems are integrated such that it can function as a unitary item 6. Requires a comprehensive data structure that can serve the needs of all levels of management information Here is a chart of ideal characteristics and capabilities of a DSS: Explanation: 1. DSS provide support for decision makers especially in a situation of semi-structured and unstructured by combining human judgment and computerized information. 2. Providing support for a variety of different managerial levels, ranging from top management to the field manager. 3. Providing support for individuals and groups. 4. The DSS provides support to a variety of sequential decision or interrelated. 5. DSS supports various phases of the decision-making process: intelligence, design, choice. 6. DSS supports decision-making processes and different styles. 7. DSS can always adapt all time. 8. Dss easy to use. 9. DSS tries to improve the effectiveness of decision-making (accuracy, duration, quality), more than the efficiencies to be gained (the cost of making a decision). 10. Decision-makers have total control of all steps in the decision-making process to solve the problem. 11. DSS leads to learning, which leads to the improvement of the system and new needs. 12. Users / user should be able to prepare their own simple system. 13. The DSS typically utilize a variety of models (standard or user liking) in analyzing various decisions. 14. The DSS is equipped with the advanced knowledge that can provide an efficient and effective solution. 2.3 How the system According to Herbert A. Simon (Kadarsah, 2002:15-16), phase - phase to be followed in the decision making process (DSS) as follows: 1. Stage Understanding (Phace Intelligence) This stage is the process of tracking and detection from the scope of the problems and the process of recognition problems. Data input is obtained, processed and tested in order to identify the problem. 2. Stage Design (Design Phace) This stage is the process of development and the search for alternative actions / solutions that can be taken. This is a simplified representation of real events, so that the necessary validation and Verification process to determine the accuracy of the model in researching the problem. 3. Stage Selection (Choice Phace) At this stage, the selection of the various alternative solutions raised at the planning stage in order to determine / by observing the criteria - criteria based on the objectives to be achieved. 4. Stage Implementation (Implementation Phace) This phase is done the application to system design which has been made at this stage of perancanagan and implementation of alternative measures have been at this stage of the election. 3. APPLICATION APPLIED DSS (Decision Support System) DSS is part of a computer-based information systems, including knowledge-based systems (knowledge management), so that the DSS is very popular among corporate management. Information systems are essential to support the decision-making process. Where the information system has the objective to support an application Decision Support System (DSS). Here are some examples of applications that use DSS, among others: 1. DSS for the promotion process and career planning at PT. X One example that will be highlighted in this case is the way the selection of employees who fit the criteria that exist in a particular position. Therefore we need a decision support system for the process of matching profile and gap analysis is based on data and HR norms contained in the PT. X. Profile Matching process is done to determine the recommendation employees in System Increase Position and Career Planning based on three aspects: intellectual capacity, Work Attitudes and Behaviour. The results of this process in the form of ranking employees as recommendations for decision makers to select suitable employees in vacant positions. This software is created using Microsoft Access 2000 database and Borland Delphi 5 as its compiler. From the results of the implementation of the system, it was concluded that the use of this software can assist the decision making process of the profile matching promotion process and career planning at PT. X. 2. Spreadsheet-based DSS to analyze the cost of providing Management education institutions require a budget planning tool that can simulate the effect of policy on the management of operational budgets, and produce financial information for use in setting the budget alternative modeling will be applied. Decision Support System used is a spreadsheet-based DSS use management policies as a reference to determine the amount of the composition of education operating budget from year to year in the Budget Analysis program. Management may make changes to the policy variables such as the number of students, number of faculty, classroom growth, growth in costs and expenses affect revenue budget projections on the menu so we get the budget projections from year to year. Any effect of changes in the policy variables to be visualized in graphical form. 3. DSS for handling cross-roads east Sumatran main road network on the island of Sumatra East Cross is formed by three major roads that cross the East, Central Crossing and West Cross. At the Cross Roads East Sumatra, many roads are in poor condition and heavily damaged light which at times potentially disconnected. Road damage that occurs due to progressive delays in the handling of repairs and limited funds. During the handling of East Cross Street is done manually so that the necessary information systems that assist management in this decision-making analysis. Application LTDSS (Eastern Traffic Decision Support System) is an application of Decision Support System (DSS) for handling road along the East Sumatra. This application was created by using Visual Basic 6.0, Ms. Access 2000 and Crystal Reports 8.5. LTDSS applications require input in the form of a data segment, the data section, the data condition, the data traffic, planning data and cost data. The process is carried out referring to the MAK (Component Analysis Method). The output of the allocation of funds for each province and type of treatment for each segment as well as the way it can be seen from the road serviceability age were reviewed. 4. The DSS for credit worthiness proposal of Bank Rakyat Indonesia now because many companies or employers who ask for a loan to the bank to make the bank should further improve the quality of service to customers. For example: credit where BRI Bank Rakyat Indonesia to give credit to the debtor but through a process that must be passed. The loan portfolio is managed will bring huge profits for banks. BRI therefore have to be really cautious in extending credit. Prior to extend credit to a prospective debtor, BRI must first assess the credit worthiness of proposals. With the development of computer technology in the field of information systems dirancanglah an Advanced Decision Support Systems (Specific Decision Support Systems) SDSS is designed with a quick (Quick Hit) and interactive approach. The design of the SDSS (Specific Decision Support Systems) software use Clipper 5.2 as DSS DSS Tools or its equipment. Based on the results of testing the system, it can be concluded that the application of the SDSS is very helpful and facilitate the decision-makers in assessing the feasibility of duty credit proposals. 5. DSS for increased productivity 3-star Hotels in Surabaya using AHP and OMAX Productivity or comparison between input and output is one tool that is influential in determining the profitability and competitiveness of the company. Hotels need to take measurements of labor productivity in order to survive and compete in the efficiency and effectiveness with which the other hotels. Based on the problems faced, the need for a system that can assist in measuring the labor productivity of the existing departments. Application of the system is a DSS application using proccess Analytical Hierarchy (AHP) for weighting and Objectives Matrix (OMAX) for the measurement of productivity. The results of the application made is in the form of information about the criteria that influence the performance of the hotel. Leave a comment Posted in Assignment Decision Systems Enterprise Information System & Data Warehouse jan2 Often we see that the application / software is used every day on the PC is the nature of individual applications. This means that the application they will be used only to serve the needs of the user, eg MS Office / OpenOffice, Photoshop, Acrobat Reader and others. Surely it is sufficient if the information required by the user is processed only TSB alone. With a slightly larger scale, there are also applications that serve the needs of a section / division only. Eg employment applications, financial applications, application sales and so on. In such applications, between users in the same division can share information easily. Now what about the information that should be used by the division / other parts? All the information you know about how much the goods are sold in the Sales division could easily be directly known by the Financial section is also part of Logistics? Moments, that we would need an information system that can bring together all the information in each section / division earlier. By some textbooks, information systems are often called Enterprise Information System (EIS). The basic point of the EIS is a technology platform that can bring together all the information from the various parts into one (single) lojikal information, so the Enterprise (company / organization) can get the required information easily. In this case, not just the use of network technologies ie LAN (local area network) so that the division between physically connected but also the integration of business processes masing2 division. It takes too unification of all databases lojikal, so not only between divisions but also access to information to all levels in the organization both from the operational staff, managers and directors. Examples of EIS that we often hear is the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management (SCM) and many others. The biggest challenge in the implementation of the EIS is the level of difficulty because it is very complex, time-consuming, costly and not necessarily successful. However, now more and more options for the solution of this EIS. So the company can determine which are the most suitable solution. Some examples of such EIS vendor SAP (www.sap.com), Oracle (www.oracle.com) and others. Does not rule out the possibility, EIS can also be built solely by a company's internal IT staff, for fulfilling syarat2 above. Data Warehouse is a system for archiving and analyzing historical data of an organization such as sales data, payroll, and other information from the daily operations. In general, an organization copying of information from operational systems (like sales and human resources) to the data warehouse according to a regular schedule, such as every night or every weekend. After that, management can perform complex queries and analysis (eg, data mining, data mining) to such information without burdening the system is operational. Leave a comment Posted in Assignment Decision Systems Development Introduction Of DSS jan2 Build a DSS, especially large, is a complicated process. Involve things: technical (hardware, software) behavior (human-machine interaction), the impact of DSS on the individual. Development Strategy 1.Tulis DSS with common programming languages: Pascal, Delphi, Java, C + + dll. 2.Menggunakan 4GL: financial-oriented language, a data-oriented language. 3.Menggunakan DSS Generator: Excell. 4.Using special 5.Mengembangkan DSS DSS Generator with CASE methodologies DSS Technology Levels Specific DSS (DSS Application) "Final Product" or the application of its real DSS finish the job that we want called with specific DSS (SDSS) DSS Generator Software integrated development which provides a set of capabilities to build specific DSS rapid, inexpensive, and easy. Example: Microsoft Excel Tools lowest level of DSS DSS technology is utility software or tools. This element helps the development of both DSS generators or SDSS. DSS Development Phase Analysis Research Planning & Design Research Concept Design Construction Maintenance Implementation of Adaptation Leave a comment Posted in System Task Group Decision Support System and Expert System jan2 group decision support system (GDSS) are interactive computer-based system that facilitates the solution to the problem was structured by some (set of) decision makers working together as a group. GDSS components include hardware, software, people, and producer. Important properties of a GDSS can be mentioned as follows: 1. GDSS are systems that are specifically designed not to resemble the configuration of an existing system components. 2. GDSs are designed with the aim to support the group decision-makers in doing their job. 3. GDSs easy to learn and easy to use. 4. GDSs may be "specific" (designed for one type or group of problems) or "general" (designed for a variety of group-level organizational decisions). 5. GDSS contains a built-in mechanism. Definition GDSs, may apply or be applied to various situations of group decision, which includes the review panel, task force executive meeting / board, remote workers, and so on. Basic activities that occur in any group and that requires support by a computer are: retrieval of information, sharing of information, and the use of information (Huber, 1984). 1. Retrieval of information, involving the selection of data values ​​from existing databases and simple retrieval of information. 2. Sharing information, that displays data on the screen so that the viewer can be seen by all groups. 3. Use information, including application software technology, procedures, and troubleshooting techniques for the data group. Expert System (Expert System) is a computer program designed to assist in making decisions such as decisions made by one or several experts (experts). According Marimin (1992), an expert system is a computer software system that uses knowledge, facts and thinking in decision-making techniques to solve problems that typically can only be resolved by experts in the relevant field. Expert System Structure The main components in the structure of the expert system (Hu et al, 1987), include: 1. Knowledge Base (Knowledge Base) 2. Inference Engine (Inference Engine) 3. Database (Database) 4. User Interface (User Interface) Gain More Expert System saves time in the decision making process more automated in the reliability of repeated Having access to a wide range of knowledge Able To improve the quality and productivity because it can advise the existence of a consistent and reduce errors more computerized, making it more effective and capable of covering more applications Store and preserve the knowledge and expertise of the experts in the use of more cost-effective than hiring an expert Allows a layman to work on field experts. Expert System Expert weakness of this system is not 100% accurate transfer of knowledge can be subjective and biased cost of manufacture, maintenance and development is very expensive. Leave a comment Posted in Decision Making Task Modeling System DSS, Static and Dynamic Model Research jan2 DSS enables people at various levels of management to analyze problems systematically before making level management to systematically analyze the problem before making a decision. Representation systems / problems through the model can be done at various levels of abstraction. The model can be clarified into 3 groups, namely: 1. Models Iconik (Scale) is a replica (real clone) physically from the system and is usually based on a much smaller scale than the original. This model may appear in a three-dimensional scale, for example, aircraft, bridges. It often can be said as mockups. A photograph is an iconic two-dimensional models, as well as a graphical user interface and object-oriented programming using this type of model. 2. Models Analog Unlike the iconic models, analog models do not resemble the original system, but characterized as the original. Analog models usually memakain diagram / chart two dimensions. This model is physically different forms downs of the original system. For example: an organization chart that contains a variety of organizational structures. 3. Mathematical Models (Quantitative) The bigger problems in the face, the more complex the solution can also be found. However, sometimes the complexity of the relation of various organizational systems can not be presented with the iconic and analog. The model can be used is the mathematical model. Analysis of DSS can be executed numerically with the help of mathematical or quantitative models like this. Examples are: the model in the Linear Program. DSS modeling purposes: 1.Membantu menajer make decisions to solve semi-structured problems. 2.Mendukung assessment manager is not trying to replace him. 3.Meningkatkan effectiveness of the decision-making managers efesiensinya. The advantages and disadvantages of using a static model: Advantages: 1.Proses modeling a learning experience 2.Kecepatan simulations provide the ability for us to evaluate the impact of decisions in a short time frame. 3.Model provide forecasting power 4.Model costs are less expensive than the other methods. 5.Dapat 6.Sistem resolve complex problems that can interact with the wearer 7.Menghasilkan reference data to resolve problems faced by managers. 8.Meningkatkan productivity and control of the manager. Disadvantages: 1.Sulitnya modeling business systems and will result in the modeling can not capture all the effects on the entity. 2.Di high math skills needed to develop more complex models in person. Static and Dynamic Simulation Model static model is a representation of a system at any given time while the dynamic model describes a system that gradually occurs without a time limit (eg, conveyor system). Leave a comment Posted in Assignment System Decision Making Process Dec19 Decission decision making (decision making) can be defined as a process by which members of the organization choose to take certain precautions in response to the opportunities or problems encountered. Decision-making in response to the opportunities aimed at generating profits and benefits to the organization. While the decision in response to the problem, of course, aims to address the problems or obstacles that threaten the performance of the organization. Types of Decision (Decision Making) Regardless of whether the decision was intended to take advantage of opportunities or solve the problem, in the book Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior MJ George and G.R. Jones in 2008, there are two basic types of decision making, ie non-Programmed Programmed Decision Making and Decision Making. 1. Programmed Decision Often the situation faced by decision makers in an organization is a situation that has never happened before and reappear repeatedly. To deal with such situations, organizations use what is called the Performance Program, which is a standard procedure and structured decision-making when faced with certain situations. Decision-making like this is called the Programmed Decision. Programmed Decision allows decision-makers to make decisions quickly without having to search for information, consider alternatives, and various other things that take time. However, managers should be vigilant when to adjust the Performance Program as an organization must be able to respond to a dynamic environment and changing. Effective Performance program in use today, for example, may not be effective for use the next two years. An example is the determination of salaries, recruitment procedures, procedures increase in staffing levels and so on. 2.Non-Programmed Decision Making decision-making that responds to a new situation that has not been encountered previously referred to as non-programmed decision making. This type of decision-making requires decision-makers are looking for as much information to be able to take the best decision among alternatives exist. Given today's business environment continues to change rapidly and filled with uncertainty, managers will face a lot of non-Programmed Decision. Situation of certain non-programmed decision-occurring repeatedly may be developed into Programmed Decision if managers are able to make accurate and precise Performance Program. An example is the allocation of resources-resources organization, sales dropped sharply, the use of modern technology and so on. Leave a comment Posted in Assignment Decision Systems Decision Support System (DSS) DSS Dec19 is a system designed to help the managers of an organization to get a decision through a process of inference or comparison of data from a variety of different data sources. DSS usually consists of a query language / SQL, statistical analysis capabilities, spreadsheets, and graphs to assist decision makers in evaluating the decision. DSS is used when decision-makers in an organization requires the best decision for the organization through several alternative solutions decisions. DSS can facilitate decision-makers to consider alternative solutions with integrated DSS system (built-in) with models and databases. Decision makers can enter one or several variables as inputs and DSS systems combine data and produce models of decision making recommendations as output from the DSS system. For example, Vice President of Marketing in Organizations want to know how much net profit organization if the budget for promotion / advertising reduced. Leave a comment Posted in Task Management System Decision Support System Dec14 Definition is: Is the application (technology-based) to support management tasks in general and aid decision-making in particular. MSS also called Decision Support System (DSS) or Business Intelligence (BI). 1.1. Managers and Computer Support. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1:10. 1.12.

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